Thursday, October 1, 2009

How long can it really take to get back into the swing of things?

So, to be honest, it's been a little while (a few years actually) since I've spent much time in an office with adults; having adult conversations, talking about whats happening in the world, thinking about what I'm wearing...
And here I am, sitting in an office with people around me who may or may not have children, talking about where they went for dinner last night (at home there was Mac N Cheese and I think some raw carrots), what new music they are listening to, what play they will be going to this weekend. I feel a little bit out of place - like what I have to say might seem pedestrian to those who actually live outside of the world of children. I know the work I do - and have done for the last seven years - is incredibly important - giving the next generation a strong sence of self combined with the compassion to make our world better...but it seems like I'm living in another world.
But, here I am anyway - determined to take back a piece of me that I somehow mis-placed a few years ago amidst wiping snotty noses and soiled bottoms and kissing away boo-boo's and reading stories and doing laundry and dishes and cooking meals...

My word for this decade is BALANCE, and I'm determined to find it and hold onto it for dear life!! (In case you were wondering - I'm now in my 40's. My word for my 30's was - FAMILY, and for my 20's it was - CAREER (or was it I'LL TRY ANYTHIING ONCE)) As I return to work, I find myself wondering what that looks like for me today, because it sure doesn't look like what it used to. I'm finding that it still (mostly) looks like mothers work full time at a job, and then come home and work full time at raising a family. I'm wondering how it's actually possible to do that. I know that often times I struggle to just get the laundry done and homework done the night before. So, in the spirit of BALANCE, I wondered what it would look like if we mothers of today demanded that our plate be filled differently. I wonder what it would look like to have a job/career you are passionate about - that paid you what you are worth, and in conjunction with that you actually have the time and energy to take care of yourself and you family in a way that supports EVERYTHING. they say; If you build it, they will come. It is in this spirit that I have launched WORKING MOTHERS REVOLUTION. It's my hope that we can build a different model for ourselves so that we can take care of ALL of our needs in a balanced way. Do you believe?

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